project 2025 is not just an idea, it's a manifesto. it's a blueprint. it's a plan. more importantly, it's dangerous AF!

america! you in trouble girl

In recent months there has been a lot of focus on this thing called #Project2025 and for good reason! This 920-page manifesto is a dangerous blueprint for how to dismantle American democracy, weaponize systems against Americans, and upend the global order from food to human rights to global security.

This is not hyperbole. This is not a case of "crying wolf" to scare people. The truth is, you should be scared. The reality that we will ALL be faced with if they are able to implement ANYTHING in this plan will have some incredibly dire consequences for generations to come. I don't know about you but I am not willing to take that chance!

The ultra right have put into writing what they fully intend to do. They have told us - in black and white - that they will burn the fucking house down. This means that if you allow them back into power, you do not have a leg to stand on when those plans come to fruition. If you are making apologies or excuses for the things they say and do know this, YOU ARE COMPLICIT and deserve to burn in hell for all eternity. Moreover, you are no longer able to say that you aren't a racist piece of shit who cares about no one, not even those in your family, as long as you get to maintain your status. Also keep in mind that while you won't be the first one affected, you will at some point. It's not a matter of if but when.

Don't believe what you see, just believe what i say

I get that we all have lives and other things going on that make it hard to stay up on the constant news cycles and political chaos. Hell, can't even keep up with the thoughts in my head to update this website with any regularity. With that said though, I believe that everyone should make sure to pay attention to the shit that will not only impact your wallet, but you health, safety, and security in a negative way. #Project2025 will do just that, and then some.

With the stakes being so fucking high right now, coupled with the access to information that we all have, saying you thought it was a "joke" or that it was just "rhetoric" or that you don't believe the media are no longer credible excuses for keeping your head in the sand. These are horrible people who have plans to do horrible things. If you ignore this and support or vote for these people then you need to just go ahead and admit who, and what, you are.

not today satan!

Information about #Project2025 is available everywhere. They have been the focus of news hours, there are folks on social media sounding the alarm. There are fact sheets, talking points and Tiktoks where folks are breaking it down. Information is in abundance and no matter how you learn (visual/auditory/comedy) there is something for everyone.

As an educator, as well as a Black woman living abroad, I am used to using current events and breaking them down to understand certain concepts. Let's start with looking at the big picture and then break it down to how it will impact how I am able to live and maneuver through this world. How will it impact my children, family, friends, neighbors, and communities? Those things matter to me. They should matter to you as well. So I have recording myself reading all 920 pages so you can listen to what they have planned for all of us. Not just some, but all. Each week I read a section and then try to break it down and connect the dots on what it is actually saying. You can listen and read along as each section is available to you. Make your own notes. Ask your own questions. Dive deeper on the parts that speak to you. Just be informed.

Don't wait untit's too late!