
Having reliable resources is one of the first things we need when seeking knowledge. I have spent a great deal of time curating, watching, listening, absorbing the resources that I provide to you. The films, books, podcasts, lesson plans, and any other resource, I have done the work so you don't have to (to the research extent). I have spent many hours, and lost many of days, going down YouTube rabbit holes, deciphering Google results, and weeding through well-intentioned information to compile materials that you can use on your journey of knowledge.

Now, I have no clue why you are here. I don't know what your end-game is, and I am not trying to steer you in any direction. I am, however, here to do the work to make sure that when you are ready to the work, you have reliable sources to work with.

If you look at the people who are doing anti-racist work, they are predominantly Black women and men. Yes, there are some white folks doing it too, and I credit them. But I think it's important that you understand that the substantial number of people doing this work are not doing for you, but doing it so that they, and their children, can peacefully live in this world. A world that have never allowed us to do that. Once you understand that, then you will be able to absorb the information that will be available here.

I am not an expert on writing or history. I am a biracial (Black identified) woman who started this journey trying to figure out one part of my history while trying to understand the other part. I pull from the work of so many others that have put in the work, the same way I weave in my own experiences. So it is cumulative. But it's real.

With that said, I have compiled an ever-growing list of books, documentaries, films, music, podcasts, and additional materials that you are free to use (unless otherwise specified). There are lesson plans provided but DISCLAIMER: not all of them ore original material that I have created. Some I provide "as is" from open sources, others I have modified or adapted for specific uses as an educator, and some I  have used as a framework for creating my own lesson plans. I will always credit the original author(s) of the work and provide links (when possible). I have been researching for years and I have an insane amount of information that I have gathered from a variety of sources. I am not attempting to infringe on anyones work or intellectual property so, if I portray a picture/information that is not correctly cited, or if you feel that it infringes on your right, please let me know and I will rectify the situation as soon as possible!

As I am one person, with a full-time job and a family, I update this information when I am able to find the time. In other words, please be patient. I try not to promise more than I can give, but that doesn't always work out so well as I have a high bar!

Now that we have gotten through the formailities, let's get to work!

what are you listening to?

Podcasts have become 'new' again and there are a lot of voices out there. So put on your walking shoes, head to the gym, or go for a ride, and don't forget your heaphones. Here are some that you should be listening to!

books books books

Whether you are reading for pleasure, enlightenment, or education, here are some good reads to get you started on your journey.

storytellers preserving history

Films and series take us on incredible journeys through time. Documentaries give us knowledge about things that have shaped who we are, but I would bet there is a lot you don't know. I got you covered!