black women matter. periodT.

hey america!

I know that things are a bit crazy right now and there is a ton of shit happening, and I am not trying to stress you out even more, but . . . we need to talk . . .

Okay, so what is this Angry Black Woman Business?

The notion of the Angry Black Woman has been perpetrated since the beginning of time. But what does it look like? Why is the black woman always so angry? Let's discuss.

my shero and next president!

I absolutely LOVE Kamala Harris. I see her and I see the possibility of everything. For me, my daughters, and so many other beautiful Black and brown girls seeing how they can live up to their potential, in spite of a system that refuses to see us/them . . .

welcome to the random rants of a Black woman on the edge!


I have to be honest, the "idea" of this website has gone through MANY iterations. I have wanted it to be thought provoking, intelligent, witty, informative, provocative, and educational. I felt a need to provide information about so many facets of what it means to be a female Black American in the 21st century. Noble? Perhaps. But really, it was a sense of therapy for me as I tried to figure out how, and where, I fit in this world.

Initially, I wanted everything to be perfect. I performed a ton of research, read a shit load of books, watched some deep documentaries and started a ton of articles that I never had time to finish. Then, life got in the way, as it always does. So my "contribution" never came to fruition. I wanted everything to be so perfect that I got lost in the details. I sabotaged myself.  It wasn't "perfect". But, I have come to realize that it doesn't have to be perfect as life is not that way. So here I am, bad grammar and all, exposing myself to whatever may come. Enter at your own risk . . .