welcome to the random rants of a Black woman on the edge!
I have to be honest, the "idea" of this website has gone through MANY iterations. I have wanted it to be thought provoking, intelligent, witty, informative, provocative, and educational. I felt a need to provide information about so many facets of what it means to be a female Black American in the 21st century. Noble? Perhaps. But really, it was a sense of therapy for me as I tried to figure out how, and where, I fit in this world.
Initially, I wanted everything to be perfect. I performed a ton of research, read a shit load of books, watched some deep documentaries and started a ton of articles that I never had time to finish. Then, life got in the way, as it always does. So my "contribution" never came to fruition. I wanted everything to be so perfect that I got lost in the details. I sabotaged myself. It wasn't "perfect". But, I have come to realize that it doesn't have to be perfect as life is not that way. So here I am, bad grammar and all, exposing myself to whatever may come. Enter at your own risk . . .