Page 99 - 1619 Project Curriculum
P. 99

August 18, 2019

                                                                                                 Yasiman Montgomery, 24
                                                                                                 (Between her   father, Alfred, and

                                                                                                 her mother, Cecily)
                                                                                                 Hometown: Washington,   D.C.
                                                                                                        -school plans: She will
                                                                                                 Post  -law
                                                                                                 work as a litigator in New   York,

                                                                                                 after   which she intends to return
                                                                                                 to Washington     work

                                                                                                 in   the federal government.
                                                                                                 Charles McDuffie   Wilder, Yasiman
                                                                                                 Montgomery’s ancestor on her

                                                                                                 father  ’s side, was born around
                                                                                                 1835 in Sumter, S.C., and is absent
                                                                                                 from public records   for the first

                                                                                                 several decades of his life.
                                                                                                   By 1866,   Wilder was a member

                                                                                                 of   the South Carolina General
                                                                                                 Assembly,   where he represented
                                                                                                 Richland County throughout
                                                                                                 Reconstruction. He   was also
                                                                                                 appointed a deputy marshal   — the
                                                                                                 U.S. marshal for South Carolina,
                                                                                                 J.P.M. Epping, said he   ‘‘could not

                                                                                                 find a   white man who could take
                                                                                                 the oath who had honesty   and

                                                                                                 capacity enough   for the position.  ’’
                                                                                                   In   1869, Wilder was named

                                                                                                 postmaster for   Columbia, S.C.,

                                                                                                 a presidential appointment   that

                                                                                                 required   confirmation by the

                                                                                                 State   Senate, becoming the first

                                                                                                 known freedman     o receive
                                                                                                 such an appointment. Coverage
                                                                                                 in   The Columbia Daily Phoenix
                                                                                                 included this   paragraph:   ‘‘Charles

                                                                                                 M. Wilder,   the newly appointed

                                                                                                 postmaster at Columbia, is

                                                                                                  an intelligent colored man,   fully
                                                                                                 competent to   discharge the

                                                                                                 duties     f the office to which
                                                                                                 he has been appointed, and is
                                                                                                 highly esteemed, as a colored

                                                                                                 man, by   the whole community.
                                                                                                 The only   objection made against

                                                                                                 him   by opponents of the present

                                                                                                 Federal and State Governments

                                                                                                 is,   that he is a negro.  ’’ He held

                                                                                                 the job   for 16 years, under four

                                                                                                 presidents. During   this span

                                                                                                 Wilder   was also a member of the
                                                                                                 Columbia City Council and
                                                                                                 attended the   National Republican

                                                                                                 Conventions as a delegate.
                                                                                                   Montgomery grew up in

                                                                                                 Washington and knew of   Wilder,
                                                                                                 who, she said, a lot of people

                                                                                                 in   the area trace their history back

                                                                                                 to.   ‘‘Reading about it makes

                                                                                                 me feel more purposeful, ’’ she said,
                                                                                                 ‘‘because I am attached to that

                                                                                                 legacy.’’ She credits her parents,

                                                                                                 Alfred and Cecily,   for instilling

                                                                                                 in her an appreciation   for her

                                                                                                 heritage. ‘‘They   were older and
                                                                                                 grew   up in segregation,’’ she
                                                                                                 said.   ‘‘They took me to look at

       Credit by Name Surname                                                                    a lot of pride in being black
                                                                                                 archives together; they

                                                                                                     to learn my history. I have

                                                                                                        ’  s because I know my
                                                                                                 and that


                                                                                                          ’  s important to start the
                                                                                                 conversation before slavery.
                                                                                                 We didn

                                                                                                        ’t just pop up in America,
                                                                  93                             we   were part of a culture.  ’’
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